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6.31.21 NDS32 Function Attributes

These function attributes are supported by the NDS32 back end:


Use this attribute on the NDS32 target to indicate that the specified function is an exception handler. The compiler will generate corresponding sections for use in an exception handler.


On NDS32 target, this attribute indicates that the specified function is an interrupt handler. The compiler generates corresponding sections for use in an interrupt handler. You can use the following attributes to modify the behavior:


This interrupt service routine is interruptible.


This interrupt service routine is not interruptible.


This interrupt service routine is interruptible after PSW.GIE (global interrupt enable) is set. This allows interrupt service routine to finish some short critical code before enabling interrupts.


The system will help save all registers into stack before entering interrupt handler.


The system will help save caller registers into stack before entering interrupt handler.


This attribute allows the compiler to construct the requisite function declaration, while allowing the body of the function to be assembly code. The specified function will not have prologue/epilogue sequences generated by the compiler. Only basic asm statements can safely be included in naked functions (see Basic Asm). While using extended asm or a mixture of basic asm and C code may appear to work, they cannot be depended upon to work reliably and are not supported.


Use this attribute on the NDS32 target to indicate that the specified function is a reset handler. The compiler will generate corresponding sections for use in a reset handler. You can use the following attributes to provide extra exception handling:


Provide a user-defined function to handle NMI exception.


Provide a user-defined function to handle warm reset exception.

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