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6.59.29 TILE-Gx Built-in Functions

GCC provides intrinsics to access every instruction of the TILE-Gx processor. The intrinsics are of the form:

unsigned long long __insn_op (...)

Where op is the name of the instruction. Refer to the ISA manual for the complete list of instructions.

GCC also provides intrinsics to directly access the network registers. The intrinsics are:

unsigned long long __tile_idn0_receive (void)
unsigned long long __tile_idn1_receive (void)
unsigned long long __tile_udn0_receive (void)
unsigned long long __tile_udn1_receive (void)
unsigned long long __tile_udn2_receive (void)
unsigned long long __tile_udn3_receive (void)
void __tile_idn_send (unsigned long long)
void __tile_udn_send (unsigned long long)

The intrinsic void __tile_network_barrier (void) is used to guarantee that no network operations before it are reordered with those after it.